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Personal injury law firm

In case of personal injury from a work related accident or traffic accident in Norway, our law firm will help you to negotiate and settle claims against insurance companies.

We are a specialized law firm in the field of Norwegian personal injury law. Our extended experience in the field of personal injuries, give an advantage in comparison with other law firms. Experience shows that it is very important to be represented by a skilled personal injury lawyer.

Our main office is situated at Fjordveien 3, Høvik, Bærum, only 10 kilometers from downtown Oslo. See map in Norwegian.

We also have offices for meetings in Førde, Bergen and Oslo.

In most cases it is free of charge to be represented by a lawyer after traffic accidents or work related accidents in Norway. Please call for a free evaluation of your case. We speak English, French, Swedish and some Spanish.

Call us at
(+47) 924 15 261

Våre fagområder med særskilt erfaring

Personskadeadvokaten AS spesialiserer seg innen trafikkskadesaker og yrkesskadesaker mot forsikringsselskapene. Foruten saker med utspring i trafikkulykker, arbeidsulykker og yrkessykdommer, bistår vi i forhold til forsikringssaker etter andre typer ulykker. Vi arbeider i tillegg med trygderett, som svært ofte utgjør en del av erstatningssaken. Klikk på boksene for mer informasjon…